Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Musings & Amusings

Discrimination persists in the workplace and it isn’t necessarily intentional or overt, experts on gender and negotiation say. But it can emerge when women act in ways that aren’t considered sufficiently feminine; like asking for money, and, when women advocate for themselves, these experts say, some people find it unseemly. Women can risk being perceived as overly demanding and unlikable. 

Here are some strategies for approaching negotiations at work:

Be careful about how you present information asking for a salary increase - in a performance review might be more effective.
The next time a headhunter calls, talk to them because they are the one who knows what you are worth on the open market. Women need to speak with men about salaries, too. If they network only with other women, experts said, they are more likely to come up with numbers that are systematically less.
Specific Language
Women should also frame requests from the employer’s perspective.
Negotiate in Person
Negotiation by email can backfire.
Outside Offers
Receiving an offer for a more lucrative position may seem like a prime opportunity to negotiate. But this tactic may harm women because it can be perceived as a threat.
Keeping all this in mind isn’t easy, which is why experts suggest role-playing the situation with a friend or partner.

Source: NY Times