Thursday 9 October 2008


Why does money matter? Money matters because like it or not we live in a money culture where money is the universally acceptable medium for exchange for goods and services. Money buys the things that all people want – and deserve; life, health, food, land, hope, education, sexual pleasure and some peace of mind. From Women, Money and Power. Phyllis Chesler & Emily Jane Goodman (New York: Bantam Books, 1977)

Why do we need to learn about money? Because only the powerless live in a money culture and know nothing about money. Ignorance about money and power is not an effective means of acquiring, redefining, or distributing money. A political, ‘sophisticated’, or religious horror of money dangerously avoids the fact that, in a money culture, it is only money that buys the things that all people want – and deserve; life, health, food, land, hope, education, sexual pleasure and some peace of mind.From Women, Money and Power. Phyllis Chesler & Emily Jane Goodman (New York: Bantam Books, 1977)