Wednesday 23 January 2008


I am enthused that the last two decades have seen a major shift in education throughout the West. Employers cry out for more highly educated workers and boys have made modest gains in participation and performance but they have been outdone by the explosive improvement of girls at every level.

There are plenty of theories which claim the rationale but the jury is still out.

Why does this matter?
- It is actually a world wide trend, some US universities are introducing positive discrimination to life male attendance. Should NZ?
- Educated women marry later and have fewer children, what impact will this have on family formation?
- We have, in the past, "married up"; as we outperform men will there be a decline in partnering?
- What will happen to ethnic intermarriage rates given that well educated Maori and Pacific women are far more likely to have a partner outside their ethnic group - does this matter?

I look forward to your comments.